Ad Details
Ad ID: 12218
Added: August 21, 2020
Sale Price: ₦ 2200
Regular Price: ₦ 2500
Condition: Brand New
Location: Nigeria
State: Rivers
City: PortHarcourt(local government area)
Views: 735
What is Neosocket? Neosocket is a break-through, patent-pending invention in fuel conservation. Fuel Shark will increase your car’s mileage just by plugging it into your cigarette fighter socket. You can now join over half a million satisfied customers and experience a significant savings on your car’s gas bill. Simply plug the Neosocket into your car’s cigarette lighter and instantly begin saving money. In addition you will experience more horsepower, better acceleration,longer battery life, and cleaner emissions. No matter what the price of gas is, getting great gas mileage will save you money and in today’s economy, every dollar counts! Analysis: Test analysis showed that the fuel consumption rate improved by 15.3% with the use of Fuel Shark. Fuel Shark compensates and stabilizes the voltage supply. the result shows an improvement in fuel consumption. Different Vehicle types, models and year of the vehicle will affect results.