Ad Details
Ad ID: 8269
Added: August 13, 2020
Sale Price: ₦ 12500
Regular Price: 12500~ 13500
Condition: Brand New
Location: Nigeria
State: Oyo
City: Ibadan
Views: 560
Enjoy a 100% natural and effective solution that totally cures Diabetes and other Sugar Related issues with Norland Hypoglycemic Capsules.
Major functions:
✔Lowers blood sugar/glucose and cholesterol level within 10 days to normal levels.
✔It attacks and removes excess glucose from the blood.
✔Regulates/stabilizes high and low blood sugar.
✔Benefits people with impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes (high sugar)
✔Activates islets gland of the pancreas to secret insulin.
✔Suitable for people with diabetes as it lowers blood sugar levels within 10 days.
✔It has documented effect on blood sugar.
✔Fights chronic diseases by normlazing harmful elements called free radicals, which are unstable molecules that damage tissues.
✔Prevents complications of diabetes.
✔Prevents cancer.
✔Good for the heart.
✔Completely safe product. No side effects. Net content: 30 capsules. Call us today!